Friday, May 7, 2010

International Press Points Corruption Finger at PP Collaborators

The corruption at the top levels of the Seychelles government is becoming international news. It appears now to be common knowledge on the international circuit that corrupt PP Collaborator government officials in Seychelles, aided Radovan Krejcir escape his day in court in his homeland. The PP Collaborator government continues to drag our motherland's good name through the mud. They have reduced our country to a means of furthering their criminal enterprises, which now may include illicit arms smuggling, kidnapping and other serious charges alleged in various court cases filed around the world. We must waste no time in removing the PP Collaborators from power and canceling all these counterfeit or Fabrike citizenships including that issued to Krejcir.

In that effort, we will be met with stiff resistance from Fabrike like Mark Jeyasingh who has defended Fabrike citizenship, which logically includes the Fabrike citizenship issued to internationally wanted men like Krejcir. However, we must spare no effort in redeeming our motherland's international reputation. It is also absolutely essential to the development of a democracy in Seychelles to cancel all Fabrike citizenships since the PP Collaborator government has and will continue to rely on Fabrike like Krejcir and fraudulent voters for up to 30% of the total votes they receive.    

Most notorious Czech fugitive becomes South African state witness

Czech international Radovan Krejcir is allegedly being treated as a state witness in the murder case of South African strip king Lolly Jackson. He is reported to have offered full cooperation to investigators. Jackson was allegedly shot 15 times on Monday (May 3, 2010) in Johannesburg. A Cyprian man by the name George Smith is accused of his murder.
Police said that Smith was linked to Krejcir having allegedly worked for the Czech criminal, who is wanted for several criminal offenses in his native land. Police said that Krejcir and Jackson were being charged on allegations of money laundering in which Smith was also involved. The Czech’s lawyer told the press that his client is not being treated as a suspect, despite the fact his house had been searched.
Two years ago a corrupt South African judge ruled against the extradition of billionaire Krejcir, whom the Czech authorities have dubbed “the country’s most notorious fugitive.” He was arrested in Johannesburg a year earlier. Prague Radio at the time said that the South African decision was another step helping Krejcir to escape Czech justice forever as the South African judge had ruled that “the murder plot and 3-bil Czech Koruna tax fraud (Krejcir was accused of) are not considered) is not a crime in South Africa. (Isn’t it ironical how useless Interpol is in such simple cases? – editor).
At the time Czech Interior Minister Ivan Langer said, “The news from Johannesburg is very disheartening, and a very bad blow for the Czech Republic.” Despite his absence Krejcir had been sentenced to six and a half years for tax fraud. He is also charged for various crimes (attempted murder, counterfeiting, extortion and abduction).
The Czech Justice Ministry did not agree with the South African judge, and said it would keep the case open as long as necessary. Krejcir escaped with his family to Seychelles, which has no extradition agreements with the Czech Republic. Obviously Seychelles knew he had a very good Swiss bank account. Allegedly several corrupt politicians had been tipped off to help Krejcir and his family escape justice.

The above article that was published in The Budapest Post. The copyrighted article is published with the express permission of The Budapest Post who reserves all other copyrights. 


  1. Indeed! The links of Krecjir in Seychelles runs deep! His hideaway was a rented villa belonging to Albert Rene's son (army officer Leslie Benoiton) at Barbarons (Pti Bwalo) for a fat forex rent.
    He set up several businesses such as a car hire (King Cars, King's take away etc..) and his business associates were no other than Patrick Herminie (speaker of the National Assembly) & Co who happens to speak fluent Czech!!
    He obtained citizenship and deposited millions of euros of his dirty mafia money to the SPPF / parti lepep coffers. He was awarded a Seychellois passport under the fictitious name of Jules Savy to allow him to travel to SA (as there was an Interpol arrest warrant on his head!!
    He decided to flee Seychelles to go to South Africa as the SPPF /Lepep vultures were fleecing him to the bone! 'Ler lisyen i meg prezan ki pis i bez li' as they say in Seselwa!

    Birds of a feather really flock together.

  2. Who was the real 'Jules Egbert Savy'? Does anybody know that?

    Patrick X

  3. Leonard Francis GillMay 7, 2010 at 12:36 PM


    You have published an excellent expose.

    The PP Collaborator link to significant international fugitives, and to allegations of criminal activity is so extensive that they do not even bother to deny the fact anymore. they simply do not have the resources to do so anymore.

    It has been clear to most Seselwa Rasin that the PP Collaborators run an extensive criminal enterprise. We Seselwa Rasin and our motherland are used by the PP Collaborators as assets in that criminal enterprise designed to create illicit wealth for the PP Collaborators government leaders.

    We Seselwa Rasin have known these facts about the PP Collaborators since June 5th 1977. But to date they have been able to use propaganda and agents like Mark Jeyasingh, shrouded in an apparent patina of likability and respectability to apologize for and defend their policies such as their Fabrike manufacturing system.

    However, now the international press is becoming aware of the PP Collaborator's true nature and are exposing them.

    Now though, we must stop the wholesaling of our citizenship to Fabrike like Krejcir, Ramadoss and Jeyasingh. We Seselwa Rasin must remove the PP Collaborators from power and cancel these Fabrike citizenships.

  4. The man in the picture is Jules Egbert Savy. He is a dead man buried in the cemetary. PP you bunch of traitors and sell outs. Shame on you.

  5. Yang of Tangtze construction is another Fabrike, made off with millions off the backs of Seselwa Rasin.

    Michel sells him everything he can.

    He is like Ramadoss.

  6. Monique, the man in the picture is Radoven Krejcir, Czech citizen with a purchased Seychelles passport in his own name. Jules Egbert Savy was the alias he used in the authentic fake passport that Seychelles Immigration issued for him upon orders from high up. The officer who was alleged to have given him the passport was never suspended and later resigned, but never charged for the offence. Wonder why? According to himself he was acting on orders from higher up. Now he was a senior officer so how high up did the order come from do you think?

    Patrick X

  7. If anyone has the details of the business dealings between Yang of Tangze construction and Michel, please send it to LAVWA. We will expose him to the Seselwa Rasin people.

  8. Jeyasingh told me he was concerned with our ideology because it would scare foriegners to invest in Seychelles, this was is primary concern.

    Secondly, he himself, as I do not know Jeyasingh personally, classified himself to me as per the Seselwa Rasin Creed definition, as a FABRIKE. He added a credit to that classification and said,"I love Seychelles and have become close to many Seychellois, perhaps beyond my own good".

    Jeyasingh worked for Nouvobanq, the government bank in Seychelles. It happens to be the only bank in Seychelles, with approved numbered accounts by the Central Bank. This is where most of the money laundering could take place, as the system in in place for it. I am certain he retains close relations with the management, who is also another FABRIKE from Patistan.

    Jeyasingh and Pauline Ferrari are co founders of Facebook group: "Sesel Pou Tou Seselwa", meaning all FABRIKE'S like Jeyasingh, Ramadoss, Krevejic, Yang, and countless other fugitives with Seychelles passport,Ricci, are Seychellois in their definition. The Group is made up of mostly SPPF JJ Spirit PP.

    Jeyasingh infers we are NAZI, because we want to control who becomes a citizen of Seychelles.The is a heavy price for a group to be labeled as such when protecting their motherland. We Seselwa Rasin have no blood on our hands. We have victimized no one. But we have all been victimized.

    Today, USA is controlling its citizenship role, it is deporting illegal aliens, UK is controlling Immigration and saying 2 out o 3 voices, there must be stricter controls. Switerland controls its citizenship. Who is Jeyasingh to tell us Seselwa Rasin, we cannot seek to implement controls on Citizenship and Immigration in Seychelles?

    I will ask Department of Internal Affairs in writing details of his citizenship application.
    We will clear this matter up and monitor the arrogance.

    Seselwa Rasin- we must stand up to this obstruction in our Citizenship role.

    NO political party takes a defined stance on Citizenship and Immigration in Seychelles today. MSR will. Join Facebook MSR and register as a supporter. We will not play games as Jeyasingh seems to think we were playing when I first wrote the articles of Sesel Pou Seselwa in 2010.

    Jeyasingh will learn, Gill's don't play games. People that work with Gill's do not play games.

    Christopher Gill

  9. The depths of your depravity knows no bounds. You will stoop to lifting a picture from my wife's facebook page and doctoring it to suit your devious purposes!

    Why Christoper? You are a friend of mine on facebook and can lift any one of my pictures which you have access to.

    Once again your story and comment is full of innuendo and misquotes encouraging the reader to arrive at false conclusions, but your actions prove everything I suspected about you two and whoever your secret backers are.

    We are supposed to trust you to lead us to a society of good christian morals and values? hah!

    -Response posted on facebook from Mark Jeyasingh

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  11. Mr Jeyasingh,

    You preach good Christian values so I assume that you consider yourself a good Christian. Are you? Me I'm not religious although I do follow religious guidelines from several religions and live by them, including Hinduism and not least Bhuddism.

    What I do however follow is the individual's right to have his/her own opinion and belief. Now, I believe that you find Gill's freedom of speech rather threatening and intimidating as it is either felt as a threat to your own personal safety or your economical comfort being a 'Seychellois' with special priveleges.

    I also have a suspicion that you are very eager to find out who several of the Gills' fellow bloggers are. Now, why would such a good Christian like yourself be so interested in knowing who we are? So you caome nad convert us? I think not.

    By acting the way you do, i.e licking up to those who gave you the right to call yourself a Seychellois, you are merely making things worse for the likes of yourself. And sorry to say it, but you are an Indian and no matter what your passport says, you'll always be an Indian in the eyes of the Seychellois. You're not a Seychellois Jeyasingh, you just happen to have a Seychelles passport that you cannot or will not clarify how you managed to get your hands on. You are simply a guest in Seychelles working for one of our institutions and by God almighty(you can choose which one) I hope that you have been a good boy during your stay and have not taken advantage of our hospitality or you may very well find yourself getting an extended stay somewhere in South Mahé together with other low-lives of our society. Else I'm sure we could your expertise, but then on our conditions and our conditions only till teh day you can prove your worthiness of becoming a Seychelles citizen. You will however never be a Seychellois. There is a difference, I can assure you that.

    Patrick X

  12. Oh well, then we don't need further introduction, but I would appreciate a signature each time you respond to my 'red-neck' comments. It's not much to ask, just a bit of politeness from a Seychelles citizen to a Seychellois. Shouldn't be too much to have to ask from a guest.

  13. Dear reader,

    If you read the article you will notice that the only reason Mark Jeyasingh is mentioned is because I argue AGAINST an ideology that preaches the wholesale disenfranchisement of 4% of the population of Seychelles because they are new immigrants over 34 years.

    The prominent positioning of my photograph against misleading headlines is to lead you towards a false and baseless conclusion that I am associsted with corruption.

    I object to this malicious and defamatory article and its associated comments.

    Mark Jeyasingh.

  14. Leonard Francis GillMay 14, 2010 at 11:14 AM

    Mark Jeyasingh:

    Here you go with your efforts to deceive an manipulate once more.

    You are mentioned because you are a leader of the Fabrike and you in many ways exemplify all that is wrong with creating Fabrike citizenship in the Rasin homeland.

    For instance you are suspected by The Mouvman of being involved in money laundering. You have failed and you have refused to directly deny that you knew about or were involved in money laundering. You have failed and refused to deny that you have received any pay from the PP Collaborators in the last 12 months despite holding yourself out as a detached and disinterested human rights activits - a manipulation and a lie, in our view. You have failed and refused to denounce the Butchers crimes against his own people despite holding yourself out as a human rights activist, another manipulation and lie in our view.

    You are in short a typical Fabrike. That's why you have been mentioned here as one of their spokesman, defenders and an example of who they are in our community and society.


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