Tuesday, May 11, 2010

NEWS Flash - Referral to International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

On May 11th 2010, based on a suggestion from a contributing blogger, The Mouvman made a referral to the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The referral was based on new information published in a recent article written by Christopher Gill and posted on the Blog LAVWA Seychelles. It requests that the Tribunal reopen the investigation to determine the complicity of Michel the Collaborator, the President of Seychelles, in possibly knowingly selling 80 tons of weapons to the Rwandan Hutu militia, in violation of a UN arms embargo. The weapons were seized by the Seychelles government from the ship Malo. These weapons ultimately ended up in Rwanda, instead of Zaire, which was the stated destination in a forged "end user certificate". The weapons are believed to have been used in perpetrating some of the deaths in the genocide of approximately 1,000,000 Rwandans.


  1. Wow, so easy to do something. Why does SNP never do anything?

  2. Ask the so-called leader of the SNP. Just do so standing at least 20 feet away and make sur you jhave a pair of good running shoes on when you do so. :-D

    Patrick X

  3. The day someone can get the truth out of SNP that will be the day ...

  4. Leonard Francis GillMay 13, 2010 at 2:42 AM

    In fact, at present, it appears that the main attacks on Mouvman Seselwa Rasin are coming from SNP cadres and not the PP Collaborators. That should tell you a lot.

  5. Interesting indeed. Don't tell me Ramkalawan is afraid of losing his cmfy seat at assembly?

    Patrick X


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