Friday, May 14, 2010

Anonymous Comment On Fabrike Jeyasingh's Fear of Freedom of Speech

Editorial Comment:

Fabrike Jeyasingh, a leader of the Fabrike effort to steal our country from us Seselwa Rasin, has made efforts, to in our view squelch freedom of speech of others to in our opinion serve his PP Collaborator masters. Though there has been nothing presented about the legality or illegality of the manner Fabrike Jeyasingh obtained his citizenship, Jeyasingh has steadfastly refused to directly deny allegations that he participated in or knew of money laundering activities while he was employed with Nuvoubanq. He has also steadfastly refused to explain the circumstances in which he was granted his Fabrike citizenship.

Anonymous Comment Follows: 

Jeyasingh, welcome to the world of free speech. 

Defend yourself if you don't like what is being written about you. But remember it is you who called Gill and others who support this movement Nazi. 

I am not a Nazi. I simply love my country Seychelles. If you came here to work, we welcomed you into our homeland. This is OUR homeland, not yours. I don't hate you for coming to work here, but I also do not believe that you are entitled to citizenship either. At least not until you have met all the rules and regulations of the naturalisation process. 

If you live in Seychelles long enough, or marry a Seychelloise and decide this is where you want to spend the rest of your life, then by all means go through the proper naturalisation and immigration process and apply to become a citizen. The process should be clean and clear for all. If you then satisfy the criteria, the country will award you the coveted citizenship status and you will be issued with a passport.

The problem today is that the SPPF has sold citizenship to just about everyone and the funds have disappeared into their overseas bank account. Would you be proud to become a citizen of a country by paying off a corrupt politician? Would you not prefer to become a proud Seychelles citizen by going through the proper process? I am sure any law abiding hopeful citizen would choose the latter.

Just because we are honest, proud patriots do not make us Nazis. We want proper law and order in our country and naturalisation/citizenship laws that apply to everyone, not just a few elite or corrupt individuals like Ramados or Krecjir. I am not opposed to any foreign person becoming a Seychellois citizen. But he or she must do so legally and go through the proper channels instead of being handed a passport by State House in exchange for a bag of dirty money or other dark favours for the President or his bunch of corrupt Ministers and entourage.

Honest men live honest lives Mark Jeyasingh. They are respected and they live their lives with respect. I don't know the Gill brothers personally and while I do not agree with everything they write, they do so with honesty, sincerity and love for Seychelles. It is unfortunate that Albert Rene and James Michele did not have the ethics of the Gill brothers. If they did, Seychelles would be a much better country today, free of corruption, hate and division amongst its people. 

The SPPF has destroyed a beautiful nation and shattered the peace of our islands. Morality is at its lowest, and drugs, prostitution and corruption are the norms. SPPF has shamed our country and we simply want to take it back, clean it up and put it back on a pedestal. We are not racist or xenophobic. 

If you are a Seychellois, then join me in this cause as you have one vote just like me. Vote the SPPF out and I assure you that it will be a bright new beginning for OUR country! And people like you Mark can proudly call yourself a naturalised Seychellois. 

Posted by Anonymous to S*T*A*R* - Seychelles Truth Accountability Reality at May 10, 2010 2:02 PM


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. To the author, editor and publisher,

    The editorial in this article is false and defamatory.

    I object to it and demand that it be removed and an apology issued.

    Mark Jeyasingh

  3. Mr Jeyasingh,

    I believe the likes of you owe us a nation an apology for your actions and support to a rotten and corrupt government that has done nothing, but gone against its own people.

    The day you apologize for your actions against the Seychellois, then we can start discussing further. In the meantime, expect more rightful accusations all in the name of freedom of speech and expression.

    Now start being a good boy and respect your host and you may find yourself in our good books the day the PL no longer is in power.

    Else I recommend you to start applying for jobs back in India or whichever shit hole you came from.

    Patrick X

  4. Is there a ghost in the room? or is it just voices in somebodies head?

  5. Must be echos in your empty head matey since you're the only one who keeps hearing those voices.

    Then again, maybe it's all the SPOOKS of those Rene and his regime had murdered.

    Patrick X


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