Sunday, May 2, 2010


On the evening of April 29th 2010, numerous rapid fire shots and explosions were heard in Anse Etoile, Mahe, Seychelles.

In the early evening hours of April 29th, about 30 heavily armed "skinny" men and women were seen heading to one of the reclaimed islands off Anse Etoile, located in Northern Mahe, the main island in the Seychelles. These individuals were carrying rifles commonly referred to as AK 47's, and were carrying extra rounds of ammunition contained in several "banana" clips each. They were also carrying two rocket launchers and numerous rockets which serve as ammunition for the rocket launchers.

The residents in the area were surprised by the nightlong firing and explosions. When the Government of Seychelles conducts such exercises it usually issues warnings prior to the exercise. In this case, no warnings were issued and no explanations have been provided by the PP Collaborator government of Michel the Collaborator.


  1. What's new? Michel and Leopold scaring people as usual. Elections not far off, so now all kind of strange shit will start happening. Also 6 prisoners escaped, so maybe they are off on target practice to shoot to kill as usual.

  2. anse-etoile incident occured on 29/04 not may 1st 2010.

  3. To Anonymous:

    The Mouvman thanks you for bringing the fact that the incident was mistakenly said to have occurred on May 1st. The story has been changed to state the accurate date of April 29th.

  4. Great! Non-lilitary personell with Kalashnikovs performing shoot-outs in public areas. I'm sure this will be on Nation Monday morning! NOT

    Ha there been any media coverage at all on this matter or will it be one of those cases where the PL will coem out and say to be mere rumours?

    Patrick X

  5. Any respectable government would advise the public of military exercises in the area. The people of Anse Etoile do not have children? They do not fear noise of gun fire?

    Christopher Gill

  6. Skinny group carrying AK47s? Sounds like Somali pirates to me.... :-D

  7. Any serious government in a country the size of ours would again have 110% of their army and weapons from it that have ended up int eh wrongs hands. With an army the size of ours, how hard can it be to have an inventory of every single weapon? How can these end up in the hands of non-army personell?

    Explain that Colonel Michel! You are after all the head of the army and are to be held responsible for it.

    Patrick X

  8. I totally agree with the first comment. It's PP's manner of spreading fear amoung the population. Election is not far, remember the incident at Barclays Bank during the cooling off period in 2006. I'm sure we're going to see more of it. The fear factor has always worked in favour of the sppf but I do hope this time round the electorate would call the sppf bluff

  9. Leoanrd Francis GillMay 3, 2010 at 3:11 AM

    Patrick X:

    We simply do not know who were firing the shots. Whether they were civilians or SDF personnel. No explanation.

    So I agree with Anonymous. This was the PP Collaborator government letting the public know they still control the guns and are willing to use them to keep power at all costs.

    And like TIKO, Rene the Butcher's proxy, has warned us on the STAR Blog, in the PP Collaborator view this "democracy" of ours has its limits. Apparently we are reaching the limits of what is acceptable to the PP Collaborator government, since they can longer control what we think or say or how we associate with each other.

    We will resist the violent crackdown the Collaborators with their Fabrike friends like Ramados and Jeyasingh are planning for us and we will defeat them and retake our country from them.

  10. Let's see if NAtion mentions this in today's edition. Just got confirmed that 7 prisoners have escaped, again a sign of weakness in our prisons and that they(how many of them I don't know) have raped a girl.

    Patrick X

  11. Maybe this time they raped an ex-minister so maybe this time the police will react. I won't mention her name in respect.

    Patrick X

  12. Leonard Francis GillMay 3, 2010 at 10:46 AM

    Patrick X:

    If you have the details of the escape and of the rape but without mentioning the victims name or characteristics that can readily identify her, LAVWA will publish a NEWS Flash.

    If anyone has a News Flash, send it in.

    We need to show Seselwa Rasin how truly incompetent this PP Collaborator is. They have thus far been able to avoid accountability by subverting the Constitution by shanghaiing state funded media to act as their own personal propaganda machine sweeping their incompetence under the carpet.

  13. Sorry Francis, but I'd rather not mention her name. All I can say is that she is well known indeed and has previously held a higher position in politics. I'm sure however that her ID will be revelaed soon. I just don't want ot be the one saying it out as it is a case of rape and that itself is a bad enough ordeal to have to experience, whichever side of the fence one is one.I got the news from a close relative who is a friend of the victim.

    Patrick X

  14. Sorry Francis, not politics, I'm mixing the cards here,. I repeat NOT politics, but a public figure. I was in another world here for a split second.

    Patrick X

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